
Think before you surface irrigate with effluent

Above ground sprinkler irrigation of effluent from home sewage treatment plants is being used more often because it is cheap to construct and design requirements are minimal. There is the perception that there is a [...]

Become AES certified – it’s fast and it’s free!

Advanced Enviro-Septic (AES) is increasingly becoming the preferred option for property owners, developers and government departments wishing to avoid the inevitable cost of repairs and maintenance of mechanical sewage treatment plants. Before a new installation can [...]

Even Engineers need to be AES certified

As the Advanced Enviro-Septic (AES) system becomes an increasingly accepted and preferred option for property owners, developers and government departments wishing to avoid the inevitable cost of repairs and maintenance of mechanical treatment plants, engineers and [...]

OUCH! Don’t get caught with out of date quotes

The Australian dollar dropped below US70¢ today, the lowest it has been since 2009, after the Australian Bureau of Statistics posted a slowing 0.2 per cent growth in GDP for the last quarter. In a [...]

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